Monday 24 January 2022

Posting a Competition to find great talent


Posting a Competition to find great talent

Competitions are established as a great way for finding talent for projects in the freelancing ecosystem, after all, freelance jobs are mostly about skills. They are an open market notion and helps in finding people with the right skills quickly and easily. Since the terms are clearly stated, the scope of the role, the pay, and the timeline are clearly stated, leaving very little room for negotiations. This works very well for the freelancer and the client as both can plunge directly into the project.

How does the freelancer benefit?

Freelancer earnings depend on the quality and quantity of projects they are doing. Hence, they do not have the luxury to be doing a single project for a long time without a clear timeline on how much they will be paid and how long they will be engaged. Most freelance jobs are charged by the hour and long-term roles will be at a monthly rate. In competitions, these aspects are clearly mentioned, and depending on their skill level the freelancer can accept or reject the role.

Benefits to the client

The client has clearly stated the clause and anyone who participates in the contest has to be cognizant of the terms and agree to them. Thus, the hiring process becomes easier and faster. Due to the limited nature of the role, there is no need to go through a prolonged hiring process, and the business is concluded with a successful conclusion of the project.

Competitions help in articulating the role and the nature of the work concisely.

Thursday 13 January 2022

Freelance Jobs to always keep you productively engaged


Freelance Jobs to always keep you productively engaged

Freelance jobs are fast becoming an avenue for those who are unable up to take up traditional full-time jobs to find a lucrative outlet to make money. Whether you are a teacher who had to quit her job because of her husband’s transferrable job, or you are a newbie who is looking for some extra income on the side till you find a job that pays you well, there are ample opportunities for everyone. The freelance job spectrum is providing an avenue for many qualified persons to find monetarily gratifying engagements avenue.

There is something for everyone

We all see Facebook, Instareel or TikTok videos of people showing recipes, craft ideas, gardening ideas and so much more. many of these individuals freelance as influencer marketers and make money through ads featured on their videos. Often, we find these are individuals who have migrated to a new country and don’t have a work visa for that country and are using their time at home to be creatively engaged. There are many people who feel out of the job cycle due to starting a family, moving to a place there are no job opportunities in their field, or weren’t satisfied with their work. All these people are receiving credible opportunities via online freelance job portals. Now anybody can Work n hire India- based professionals in any field for professional engagements.

With the spark of an idea and a clear strategy on how wants to proceed in their field, one can start working as freelancers and leverage their skills to earn well.

Monday 3 January 2022

The difference in Hiring from Regular Job Sites and Freelance Job Sites

The difference in Hiring from Regular Job Sites and Freelance Job Sites

Many new websites have come in the past five to seven years catering exclusively for freelance jobs. They are filling a lacuna for jobs that are temporary in nature but require skilled professionals. Regular job sites such as,, and even LinkedIn advertise Freelance jobs, but these companies are looking for full-time freelancers to work for them at hourly rates or other terms.

Freelance job sites cater to different types of roles within the gig economy spectrum. If someone is looking for a photographer for a wedding shoot, they can engage them from freelance websites at a package deal for the entire wedding. The terms and conditions and expectations can be specified in advance.

Among the bestfreelancing sites in India, you can find engagement models that give flexibility in hiring with carefully laid out rules of engagement that give security and transparency for both parties.  The freelancer can specify their rates and what services they offer while the client can also specify what the project requirements are desired skillsets of the applicant and their budget. Freelancers can also sell their services on the website at a competitive rate, and anybody can buy them.

Freelancing websites facilitate a quick engagement opportunity for companies to fulfill urgent hiring requirements without the frills attached with the hiring talent. Furthermore, there are fewer obligations for both parties with speeds the process in terms of working on the project and concluding it.


Wednesday 15 December 2021

Best Freelancing Sites in India


How is freelancing favouring women?

Women, irrespective of their education qualification or skills have been compelled to drop out of the job market once they decide to get married or start a family. Women who decide to take a gap year or two while their infants are young fall behind for reasons such as –

·        The job market has changed

·        They must upskill but lack guidance

·        They are unable to strike the work-life balance

·        They have been replaced

Often the experience, expertise and even qualifications are disregarded, and the female employee is compelled to start from scratch to build their resume.

Situation Pre Covide-19 Pandemic

In the pre-pandemic period, while many women opted to work as freelancers till the time their situations normalised, most of them weren’t respected as freelancers in general weren’t being taken seriously for many roles. With professionals such as legal experts or marketing consultants especially, if they were to mention that they work from home, then they were instantly refused as they did not have a conventional office address.

The Pandemic and Freelancing Profession Turnaround

This pandemic has compelled companies to revisit their attitude towards freelancers and usefulness. As many companies fight to stay afloat human resource has also come under the radar for cost-cutting. Tasks that can be outsourced are being identified and the work is being offloaded as temporary assignments to freelancers.

The best freelancing sites in India have seen an increase in demand for freelancers in india for temp hiring for single projects. Women are reaping the reward of this new system as their experience and skillsets are finally being acknowledged and when they are ready to work full-time, even their freelance experience is being considered.


Monday 6 December 2021

Freelance Graphic Designer


Working as a freelance graphic designer while still studying?

Your aim to start freelancing will be to make some money, whether you want to do this working for yourself, as a student to earn some extra income or as an extra job is different. Freelancing is not easy because you have to constantly sell yourself and market your skills to get gigs. Professionals, newcomers, and part-time job hunters all are on an equal plain when competing for a freelance job. Only your skill and presentation will win you the gig.

Freelancing as a Graphic Designer

Graphic designing requires imagination and fresh ideas, and students are a fount of both. You can start your freelance career as graphic designer while you are still in college. The tools for graphic designing are easy to access and one can work any time and anywhere. If you have a free period, you can work while hanging out with your friends at the cafeteria or from the library. All you need is the right software and a laptop.

Where do you find the clients?

The freelancing sites in India advertise for clients looking for graphic designers. They may be looking for someone to design brochures, leaflets or print ads. There is demand for logo designers and for designing product or service pages. Often, they are looking for ready to use designs which the graphic designer can sell on their profile page. They can also participate in competitions or bid for projects. With the open competition, anyone can start their career as freelance graphic designer as talent and skill si valued the most.




Monday 29 November 2021

Work N Hire India,


Hire Freelancers for Your eCommerce Platform

eCommerce platforms are growing rapidly, and many new business ideas are conceptualized with eCommerce at the center for reaching out to the market. A growing eCommerce business has limited permanent manpower need, their greater need is for gig workers who can complete foundational tasks. For instance, hiring a freelancer for logo design will give fresh perspective and there may be an opportunity to work with someone who specializes in that niche.

What areas can be outsourced?

Not all aspects of eCommerce business can be outsourced, but there are some aspects that would be served better by an outsider and also save the company costs. For instance, bringing in a marketing consultant will help in drawing a roadmap for business growth. For content writing of product catalogue, the task can be outsourced to multiple writers to speed the process. Customer service, data entry and other repetitive tasks can be outsourced till the company set up has been established and there is a regular cashflow to afford more manpower.

It's cost effective and efficient

You can look for freelancers on platform that not only work n hire India, but also give access to a global talent pool. There are many freelancers who have worked in large companies or in various markets who are striking out on their own as freelancers who would be unaffordable to the company as permanent resource but can be engaged as freelancers on project basis.

Leverage the potentials of the gig market and try to find someone who would add value to your company with their knowledge.

Monday 22 November 2021

Hire freelancers online in India


4 Benefits of Freelancing in India

In India, freelancing has become a recognised avenue for hiring skilled workforce and are enjoying immense demand from start-ups, MSME and large companies. In fact, at 15million freelancers, India is only second to the US in terms of number of people working as freelancers. There is demand in IT, content writing, marketing, and designing.

1.   Freelance job portals

Capturing the trend of freelance engagements, new freelancer job portals are opening in the company that give MSMEs from small towns and remote parts of the country opportunity to Hire freelancers online in India. It is bringing opportunities to talented persons living in different parts of the country to their doorstep so that they do not have to migrate or relocate.

2.   Streamlined payments process

The thriving freelance market is supported by streamlined payment processes that in turn are aided by online banking, UPI transfers and other payment portals. People can be assured instant payment on conclusion of their project, and these are done through transparent channels.

3.   Bypassing competition

There is a lot of competition for every single post that opens in a large company. As a freelancer, the individual can pave their own path, tapping on a vast market where employers from all industries and various size of companies are willing to pay as much or better. Also, one can grow faster in their career and branch out in different tangents.

4.   International opportunities

Clients can come from anywhere in the world as most jobs are found online. The benefit of this is that one doesn’t have to be embroiled in the complications of getting work visa to get paid international rates and work on an international platform.


Why Freelancing Is the Future?

  Introduction The future of work is increasingly focused on working remotely with flexible arrangements, and freelancing is at the forefr...