Friday 27 May 2022

Students are Building their Profile with Freelance Jobs

 Students are Building their Profile with Freelance Jobs 

Freelance jobs are very serious professional roles that companies are outsourcing in a bid to save on human resources. Depending on the field in which you are freelancing, you can not only earn well but also get some serious work experience that can be stated on your resume.  

As a student one has the flexibility to experiment and work for money or experience and choose advantageous projects. You can make mistakes and tide over them as you are still a student. If you are not enjoying the field, you can try a new field and keep testing your skills in different fields till you find your niche.  

Online jobs and education

Education is an ongoing process and, in an era, when skills are valued more than certificates, it is important to stay on the learning curve. Even if you are in a small town, you can look for online jobs in Gorakhpur for students and find lucrative opportunities that will add a lot of value to your experience. In small towns, there is a requirement low-cost skilled workforce, especially among small businesses that will benefit from the expertise and exposure to new perspectives. With such companies, you will be given more flexibility to test your capabilities.  

As a beginner, if you have taken up a course and are unsure of what future course or career to pursue, whether to choose an MBA or go for some other professional course, working with professionals from industries may give you clarity.  


Thursday 26 May 2022

Working as a Freelance Sales Agent in Varanasi

 Working as a Freelance Sales Agent in Varanasi 

If you are from Varanasi and do not wish to leave town, there are several great job opportunities you can pursue while living in the city as a freelancer. Varanasi has a large population, and it is visited by tourists throughout the year. Thus, there is a lot of demand for FMCG products, pooja products, finance-based products, and services. Varanasi and its neighboring districts are also famous for their handloom and cottage industries.  

A good salesperson is always in demand 

No product or service can be moved without effective sales communication and a salesperson plays a very critical role in the company. You can do sales for MFCG companies and go door-to-door or to stores and sell your products. Or you can be an agent who sells insurance, Mutual funds, or other financial instruments. A good salesperson can always find a freelance job in Varanasi as most companies will be located in the bigger cities and their sales head office will also be in the capital of the state. You can take an agency and sell locally. If you do well, you can earn a good commission. 

Selling locally 

Local industries such as the Banarasi Sarees, local handicraft and handloom products are in demand around the world. you can help these companies by creating a digital marketplace on which their goods can be sold. You can also help locally by attracting visitors and tourists to purchase these products. 

Sales are the lifeline of product and service companies and a good salesman, even regionally, earns richly. 

Friday 20 May 2022

Part-time Freelance WFH Jobs

 Part-time Freelance WFH Jobs 

You may be a student, you may have a full-time job and want to make some extra money on the side, or you may be a homemaker looking for lucrative opportunities to pursue around your own time. Freelancing allows people from all these diverse backgrounds and needs. Apart from the regular job sites, there are many dedicated freelance job sites too that have lucrative opportunities that anyone can try. 

Work from home 

The work from home opportunities is a boon to people who simply cannot travel to an office and give long hours to work. Normally, people must move out of their hometowns, especially if they are from small regions with limited job opportunities. The pandemic compelled companies to consider working from home and now it is working well for all parties. Of course, a lot of companies want their employees to return to their office desks, but many new areas have been identified where people can work remotely and deliver productively.  

Tapping the job market 

There are many professionally qualified and highly skilled people whom the companies would have previously not considered simply because they can’t come to the office, or it may cost extra to relocate them. Freelancer jobs in Kanpur are now being applied for by people from large metros and even foreign countries. People with niche skills are offering their services at affordable rates to companies that are based out of remote locations. Thus, even MSMEs are now able to access and afford the best minds in the industry to collaborate with and contribute to their business. Even large companies can now work with individuals with incredible potential by hiring them for limited periods to utilize their niche services. 

Advantage for companies 

There is an emerging trend of the blended workforce that includes a healthy mix of temporary staff, that is freelancers or gig workers, and internal full-time staff. The advantage of the blended workforce is that the company benefits from external expertise and any skill gap is filled with a temporary but highly effective resource person. The employees of the company also benefit from working in collaboration with someone who has diverse expertise in the market. It gives them an opportunity allows them to learn from someone in the field who has worked in different avenues. Also, wherever there is a need for niche skills, a resource person can be engaged quickly to keep the momentum of the project going. 

Part-time freelance jobs add value to the freelancer's resume, and it serves freelancers' important function for businesses. It offers a lot of flexibility and regular income is generated. From the company’s perspective, they save on human resources and gain from highly skilled resource persons.  

Wednesday 18 May 2022

Finding Freelance work in Lucknow


Finding Freelance work in Lucknow

Lucknow is home to many talented professionals who have migrated back to the beautiful city since the lockdown. It is a great education hub, and the freelancers are very ambitious and hardworking. Whether you are looking for someone in the tech or non-tech field, you are bound to find the Top 10 Freelancers in Lucknow for every field.

How to Hire Freelancers in Lucknow?

The best way to Hire Freelancers in Lucknow is via online job portals. While there are regular job portals such as that advertise all types of jobs and LinkedIn is also a good place to advertise requirements, there are many dedicated sites for freelancers where one can find good freelancers at competitive rates.

Finding freelance work in Lucknow

Likewise, to find freelance work in Lucknow, one can search online job portals or comb through social media sites for available vacancies. A lot of work is done on word-of-mouth publicity. So, if you find a job with one company, then you are likely to get introduced to a wider circle and you can build a reputation for yourself. Once you build a reputation, the work will flow in as many MSMEs require talented resources.

Whether you are among the Top 10 Freelancers in Lucknow, or you are just setting out on your career, there are many opportunities for the varying needs of customers. You can find work on dedicated online job portals for freelancers and get a fair pay for your services.

Thursday 5 May 2022

Creating a Convince Profile to Apply for Freelance Jobs Online


Creating a Convince Profile to Apply for Freelance Jobs Online

Working as a freelancer means you must sell your skills for every new project that you apply for. Since there is little to no physical interaction or background checks, it is imperative to create a convincing profile every time you apply for a job.

One CV for each job

Though most jobs in a field have some skill requirements, you can make some fine tweaks to the profile to highlight skills or experience that will be relevant to the role you are applying for. For instance, if a tourism company is looking for a developer to add plug-ins to their web portals, you can highlight these aspects of your profile to convince them of your experience.

Understand the profile requirement

All freelancer's job portals advertise detailed requirements for projects. Where there is room left for stating your other skills, you can divert the client’s attention towards certain niche skills that you feel may be relevant to their business. it is imperative to understand the profile requirement and finetune one’s resume to match the needs as stated on the profile requirement. On some websites, additional queries are posted by the companies to understand how well you fit into the role. Make sure that you answer these questions in a manner that will highlight your talents and capabilities for the firm.

Think long term when applying for a project. You could build a lasting association with the company as a regular freelancer for their company.

Sunday 1 May 2022

Managers Play a Central Role in Ensuring Blended workforce success


Managers Play a Central Role in Ensuring Blended workforce success

The managers are key players in ensuring that businesses can execute their human resource strategies effectively as they work closely with all employees and are the assuring presence between management and employees. Hence, it is important to onboard them when the company is planning to bring in the services of freelancers.

In fact, in most situations, it is the managers who give the solution of engaging the services of freelancers for temporary roles. They can identify gaps and justify where freelancers would be beneficial for the project’s success.

Finding freelancers

The best solution for finding freelancers for urgent hiring is through freelance job portals. If you are working with a budget, you can conduct an online job search in Gorakhpur or such remote towns. Managers can bear the onus of ensuring effective recruitment and timely completion of tasks. They can find internal resources who will closely collaborate with the external resource person and create lucrative associations.

Freelancers work terms

The managers can clearly define the role and scope of the freelancer’s involvement in the project as they are domain experts who know the project requirement. They are better placed to create actionable rules of engagement and set the path for collaboration. It is in the interest of the company and the project to ensure that the blended workforce succeeds, and the managers can create a clear roadmap of how the association will progress.

Blended workforce is a company structure that is here to stay and the company must create clear engagement models for its success.


Monday 25 April 2022

Companies are Bridging an Essential gap with freelancers


Companies are Bridging an Essential gap with freelancers

Internet has opened new possibilities for finding freelance jobs online with companies around the world. There are different types of freelance job opportunities that vary as per the term of engagement and length of engagement. The duration of the project will determine how you get paid.

While in some freelance jobs the engagement is for a single project, in others the company hires regular freelancers for their monthly requirements. The terms and conditions on which one is employed is purely dictated by the regularity of the work.

Nature of freelance job hiring

Hiring for freelance jobs is mostly a no-strings-attached engagement where the company’s liability is limited. The freelancer is not an employee of the company but is hired to complete tasks that are important to the business. it is not relevant to the business that the freelancer be a full-time or regular employee of the company.

Hire from anywhere

Freelancers can be hired from anywhere as they mostly work remotely. Companies can hire experts form Delhi or Chennai to do freelance work in Kanpur. This gives them the advantage of working with people with domain expertise and experience with working with their bigger competitors. Freelancers add value as an external eye who bring fresh perspective and knowledge of industry.

Hiring freelancers helps businesses to quickly employ skilled professionals without too many hiring formalities. Freelancers add value to businesses by ensuring it continues uninterrupted due to lack of resource persons for the role.

Why Freelancing Is the Future?

  Introduction The future of work is increasingly focused on working remotely with flexible arrangements, and freelancing is at the forefr...